Boot Camp at Home :
Do you love boot camp workouts but you don’t want to spend the money for classes? Boot camp workouts are a great way to burn fat, build muscle and have fun while working out. Here is a great at home boot camp workout. You do not need anything for this workout but if you want to make it harder feel free to add some weights. You can do this workout inside or outside if your lucky enough! Stay tuned for some outside boot camp workouts, I just have to wait for the snow to melt!
The workout:
circuit one:
- 25 squats
- 50 high knees ( each leg)
- 10-15 push-ups
x 3
circuit two:
- 20 burpees
- 50 jumping jacks
- 50 sec plank hold
- 20 lunges ( each leg )
circuit three:
- 20 inverted push up
- 50 side shuffle – each ground touch is one
- 15 superman
circuit four :
- 25 bike abs
- 25 skater lunge
- 15 plank leg raises ( each leg )
- 10 vertical leg crunch
Photo Guide:
Squat: keep chest up, make sure knees don’t go out over toes.
High knees: keep abs engaged while you quickly jump from foot to foot while raising your knee . I like to hit my hand with my knee
Push up: hands right outside shoulders. Keeps abs and butt engaged while you slowly lower to just above the ground then push back up.
Burpee: start standing , squat down and place hands on ground. Walk or jump into a plank position. Jump or walk back to squat then stand up. Add a jump to the top to make it harder
Jumping jack: start with feet together and hands by your side. Quickly jump and spread arms and legs then return back to start position
Plank hold: hands directly under shoulders. Make a straight line from your head to your feet. Keep abs and butt tight
Lunge: start with feet together, step forward with a soft knee then slowly lower till your front leg is parallel to the ground. Push off with your heel back to standing. Don’t let knee go out over toe
Inverted push up: start with hands and feet in plank position, then walk feet in a bit. Drop head between and in front of hands, then push back up to the start position
Side shuffle: start with one knee bent in a runners start positions. Quickly push off leg and shuffle 2-4 steps to the opposite side, land in the start position on the other leg
Superman: start on ground with legs and arms extended. Slowly lift legs and arms off the ground, hold at the top for 1-2 second then slowly lower
Bike abs: start on the ground with hands behind head. Don’t pull on your neck. Slowly raise your legs. Then bring one leg in and crunch and twist the opposite arm to meet your knee. Keep the straight leg off the ground if you can
Skater lunge: start in a lunge position with back leg behind you and to the side. Explode off your bent leg and land on your other leg in the start position
Plank leg raise: Start in a plank position with hands under shoulders. With tight abs and butt lift your leg as high as you can then slowly lower back down
Vertical leg crunch: start on back with legs raised in the air. Keep legs up while you slowly crunch and try and touch your toes