Weightlifting & Women

Lift Heavy

Weightlifting & Women :

Most women spend most of their time in the gym doing cardio. What you should be doing is getting stronger by lifting weights. I’m not talking about doing biceps curls and squats with a 5 pound weight, you need to lift heavy! You will NOT look like a man. Women do not have enough testosterone to build muscles like men. Instead you will get stronger and look more toned. When I lift I’m using heavy weights, 165 pound deadlifts, 135 pound squats, 100 pound push presses and I do not look like a man! Don’t be afraid to add some weight. Lifting weights has many benefits including  boosting your metabolism, increasing your bone density, hormonal regulation improves ( helps with cramps) just to name a few. Start by adding a strength training program two days a week. Once you start lifting you are going love it, don’t be afraid to try.


  • gain strength without bulking
  • lose body fat
  • decrease risk for diseases like diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease
  • increase bone density
  • improve balance
  • help fight depression
  • helps with cramps
  • improve activities of daily living
  • helps fight obesity
  • beat back pain

Here are a few really good compound movements to add to your strength training  workouts.  Lift heavy! You are stronger then you think.

Lower body:

  1. barbell/ dumbell squats
  2. deadlift
  3. lunges

Upper body:

  1. barbell bench press
  2. push ups
  3. pull ups- chin ups
  4. bent over row


  1. plank
  2. hanging leg raises
  3. L-sits




 Tabata             IMG_5017

If you are like me and not in to running ( or any form of cardio) you should try tabata training. One of my favorite warm ups is tabata jump rope, I also like to end my workout with tabata double unders. Tabata training is high intensity interval training. Its 20 seconds of all out intensity followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated eight times for a total of four minutes. Sounds easy? wait till you try it! Tabata workouts offer more benefits in less time. Tabata training will help you lose fat faster than regular jogging. Tabata training raises your metabolism and heart rate up in no time at all. Your metabolism will stay raised for a longer period of time which will help you burn more fat. If you are looking to improve your performance for sports , tabata training is a great way to do that.  If you are new to tabata training start with less rounds and build up to eight. You can put almost any exercise into a tabata training workout, so there’s no getting bored! Here are some great tabata workouts you can do instead of traditional running.


Tabata cardio:

20 secs of work- 10 sec rest for 8 rounds.

  • jump rope or double unders
  • mt climbers
  • burprees
  • squat jumps
  • high knees
  • sprinting
  • rowing

You can also use tabata training for strength training

Tabata strength:

  • pull ups
  • push ups
  • any ab move
  • squats

Cautions: tabata training is not for everyone. Make sure you are able to perform at high intensity before trying tabata training. 


Bikini ready for the holidays!


Are you planning on traveling somewhere tropical for the holidays? Staying bikini ready through the holidays can be tough. I just booked a trip to Florida for New Years. We leave by car right after Christmas. I plan on bringing  plenty of water, protein shakes and healthy treats for the ride down. I’m already planning on doing some yoga move/stretches when we arrive . Sitting in the car for long periods cam make you sore.  Once we get there I’ll stay pretty active and luckily we are flying home. Here are some great tips to get you through the holidays and ready for your trip.


  • make health/fitness a priority . Have a plan in place and stick to it. Plan your workouts for the week, pack your gym bag and have your shoes ready so you can workout whenever you have time. Stay active at least 4 days a week. Add some at home yoga for something a little extra.
  • bring healthy treats to your parties. Not sure if the parties you are going to will have healthy options? Bring one! Make a healthy appetizer that you can bring and if there’s nothing else healthy snack on your treat.
  • don’t skip meals. Skipping meals is never a good idea. Don’t miss a meal and then pig out later  because your so hungry. Plan ahead and make sure you have time to eat. Also remember to drink plenty of water
  • get lots of sleep.
  • plan your snacks. When traveling or on busy days plans your snacks the night before. That way when your hungry you already have a great healthy snack to keep you on track.
  • drink water with your alcohol. When you drink alcohol remember to drink lots of water. I like to have one alcohol drink followed by a glass of water. Having a glass of water in my hand makes it easier to not fill up on bad food and empty caloric drinks.


Jump start your holiday training with this killer workout.  You can add these moves to your routines or do them on their own. I like to do each move for 10-20 reps twice through.

Killer Butt:

  • squat- close stance
  • front lunge
  • glute bridge leg raise
  • squat- wide stance
  • side lunge
  • calf raises
  • jump squat
  • donkey kicks

Awesome Arms:

  • push ups
  • bent over row
  • dips
  • flys
  • triceps extension
  • plank
  • biceps curl
  • kettlebell swings
  • straight arm raises
  • burpess

Rockin’ Abs:

  • vertical leg raise crunch
  • deadlift
  • reverse crunch
  • bike abs
  • mason twist
  • side plank
  • plank rows
  • v-ups
  • plank knee to elbow
  • flutter kicks





Weight Loss

Are you trying to loss weight? If so, here is a great plan to help you loss those extra pounds. First you should look at your diet. I know its tedious but its sometimes a good idea to start a food journal, even if you do it for only 2-3 days. I use the MyFitnessPal app. It is very easy to use. You can even scan barcodes with it and all the information pops right up  and all you do is choose the serving size you had. Keeping a food journal is a good way to see if you are over or under eating. It also helps to see where you can improve. Maybe you realize your fat intake is way up and protein and carbs are too low. Always remember to drink plenty of water.

Once your ready to start working out:

Aim to burn 500-1000 calories a week though exercise. Try for 60-150 min of exercise a week. Start with at least 30 min a minimum of 4-5 days a week. For more results do 5-6 days a week. Always remember to listen to your body and rest when necessary. Rest days are very important.

  • Warm up:

Always remember to warm up. The warm up should be between 5-10 min of light work to get your heart rate up and to get your muscles ready for exercise.

  • Cardio: 3 days/week 25-30 min.

For those of you who hate traditional cardio ( running, cycling ect) like me, try interval or tabata training. Another great form of cardio is jump roping.

  •  Interval routine : All out effort for 30-60 seconds with 10 second rest in between each move.
  1. high knees
  2. butt kicks
  3. squat jumps
  4. tuck jumps

Once you complete one round repeat 2-3 more times. For more of an advanced routine complete 3-4 rounds with no rest in between.

More ideas for intervals: jump rope, burpees, box jumps, jumping jax, run in place

  • Strength training: 2-3 days/week . Do each move 8-12 times then repeat one to two more times with a 1 min rest in between.
  • total body:
  1. push ups- knees down to make it easier
  2. squats- add weights to make it harder
  3. biceps curls
  4. lunges- forward and backwards- add weight
  5. sit ups
  6. dips- place hands on table/chair for more advanced
  7. over head press
  8. dumbbell deadlifts
  9. bike abs- go slow to make it harder



*Please consult your physician before you begin any new exercise program.