Vacation workouts

Vacation workouts

We made it to Florida! It took us around 28 hours to drive here. We stopped in Philly and had dinner with my cousin then we drove all night. By the time we got here my whole body was sore!  We brought a foam roller and that was the first thing I did when we got in the room. After a good night sleep in a bed I hit the condo gym. The gym has everything I needed and the view of the ocean is great. I plan to use it everyday. Working out while away can be hard but if you make time you will feel great when you get home. I hate when I don’t workout while I’m away then I get home and go to the gym and I feel like I lost all my muscles. So I’m going to stick to my plan to hit the gym while I’m here .




Todays workout :

  • Lat pull downs
  • cable row
  • walking lunges with 25 lbs in each hand
  • wide and close stance squats with 25 lbs
  • leg raises
  • decline sit ups
  • incline reverse crunch
  • biceps curls – drop set
  • tri extension- drop set
  • renegade row with 20 lbs
  • dip still failure

I did each move for 10-12 reps twice through. I did all the ab moves for 25 reps three to four times through.



 Tabata             IMG_5017

If you are like me and not in to running ( or any form of cardio) you should try tabata training. One of my favorite warm ups is tabata jump rope, I also like to end my workout with tabata double unders. Tabata training is high intensity interval training. Its 20 seconds of all out intensity followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated eight times for a total of four minutes. Sounds easy? wait till you try it! Tabata workouts offer more benefits in less time. Tabata training will help you lose fat faster than regular jogging. Tabata training raises your metabolism and heart rate up in no time at all. Your metabolism will stay raised for a longer period of time which will help you burn more fat. If you are looking to improve your performance for sports , tabata training is a great way to do that.  If you are new to tabata training start with less rounds and build up to eight. You can put almost any exercise into a tabata training workout, so there’s no getting bored! Here are some great tabata workouts you can do instead of traditional running.


Tabata cardio:

20 secs of work- 10 sec rest for 8 rounds.

  • jump rope or double unders
  • mt climbers
  • burprees
  • squat jumps
  • high knees
  • sprinting
  • rowing

You can also use tabata training for strength training

Tabata strength:

  • pull ups
  • push ups
  • any ab move
  • squats

Cautions: tabata training is not for everyone. Make sure you are able to perform at high intensity before trying tabata training. 


Bikini ready for the holidays!


Are you planning on traveling somewhere tropical for the holidays? Staying bikini ready through the holidays can be tough. I just booked a trip to Florida for New Years. We leave by car right after Christmas. I plan on bringing  plenty of water, protein shakes and healthy treats for the ride down. I’m already planning on doing some yoga move/stretches when we arrive . Sitting in the car for long periods cam make you sore.  Once we get there I’ll stay pretty active and luckily we are flying home. Here are some great tips to get you through the holidays and ready for your trip.


  • make health/fitness a priority . Have a plan in place and stick to it. Plan your workouts for the week, pack your gym bag and have your shoes ready so you can workout whenever you have time. Stay active at least 4 days a week. Add some at home yoga for something a little extra.
  • bring healthy treats to your parties. Not sure if the parties you are going to will have healthy options? Bring one! Make a healthy appetizer that you can bring and if there’s nothing else healthy snack on your treat.
  • don’t skip meals. Skipping meals is never a good idea. Don’t miss a meal and then pig out later  because your so hungry. Plan ahead and make sure you have time to eat. Also remember to drink plenty of water
  • get lots of sleep.
  • plan your snacks. When traveling or on busy days plans your snacks the night before. That way when your hungry you already have a great healthy snack to keep you on track.
  • drink water with your alcohol. When you drink alcohol remember to drink lots of water. I like to have one alcohol drink followed by a glass of water. Having a glass of water in my hand makes it easier to not fill up on bad food and empty caloric drinks.


Jump start your holiday training with this killer workout.  You can add these moves to your routines or do them on their own. I like to do each move for 10-20 reps twice through.

Killer Butt:

  • squat- close stance
  • front lunge
  • glute bridge leg raise
  • squat- wide stance
  • side lunge
  • calf raises
  • jump squat
  • donkey kicks

Awesome Arms:

  • push ups
  • bent over row
  • dips
  • flys
  • triceps extension
  • plank
  • biceps curl
  • kettlebell swings
  • straight arm raises
  • burpess

Rockin’ Abs:

  • vertical leg raise crunch
  • deadlift
  • reverse crunch
  • bike abs
  • mason twist
  • side plank
  • plank rows
  • v-ups
  • plank knee to elbow
  • flutter kicks





Functional training

Turkish get up    IMG_4851   IMG_4856

Here is a great move to add to your workouts. The turkish get up incorporates yours abs, legs, arms, glutes ect. This move can be done without weight and once you master the movement you can begin adding weight.  Once you start adding weight start with a dumbbell before moving to a kettlebell or barbell.

How to:

  • start on the floor in fetal position
  • roll to your back while pushing your hand(weight) into a straight arm postion
  • at the same time bend the knee of the raised arm
  • your shoulder should be tight into its socket.
  • never take your eyes off the weight
  • push from your bent foot and sit up onto your elbow
  • push from your elbow onto your hand
  • push your body off the ground and then swing your leg though into a kneeling position
  • from kneeling position lunge into a standing postion.
  • reverse the whole movement backwards


  1. start with no or light weight
  2. do not take eyes off of weight
  3. keep your wrist straight

Check out my how to video:

Kettlebell Swings


Kettlebell swings are a great move to add to your workouts, but they can be hard to perfect. Here are some great tips on how to improve your form and look like a pro.


How To Tips:

  • stand above kettlebell with feet slightly wider than you shoulder.
  • think about the swing as a deadlift motion only in fast forward.
  • hinges from the hips,
  • drive hips forward hard  to help move the kettlebell up
  • maintain  natural arch of  back throughout the exercise.
  • keep abs tight throughout whole movement
  • keep the shins vertical, don’t let knees track over toes
  • keep kettlebell as close to your body as possible

Why you should be doing them:

  • good for people with low back pain who cant do deadlifts, good mornings, etc. Research shows  kettlebell swings may not exacerbate low back pain.
  • works multiple muscles, such as the hips, glutes, hamstrings, lats, abs, shoulders, pecs and grip.
  • kettlebell swings burn a ton of calories.
  • you will get a full body workout


Here is another great TRX workout. Today will be all about the core. These moves can be done on your hands or your forearms. Do all six moves for 15-20 reps, once you finish repeat two to three more times. For an advanced workout do all three sets with no rest in between. Let me know how you do!


  • pike
  • knee tucks
  • mt climber
  • side plank- both sides
  • one leg plank crosses- both sides
  • reverse table pike

15-20 reps, repeat 2-3 times


Always remember to do a proper warm up before you begin!

TRX Arms

Have you ever tried a TRX workout? They are great. You can work all parts of your body with one. They are very easy to travel with too.  Here are six arm moves for killer arms. TRX workouts are great for all levels. You can change the intensity but changing the angle of your body. The more you lean forward/backwards the harder or easier your workout.



  • biceps curl
  • triceps extensions
  • row
  • push ups
  • v flys
  • bench


*please consult with your doctor before starting an exercise program