Weighted Gym Workout

Weighted Gym Workout :

Do you avoid the weights at the gym because you’re not sure what to do? Here is a three days a week lifting program. Start with light weights and gradually increase every week. Do this workout three non consecutive days a week, on the other days add in some cardio . You can do a bonus ab workout after you lift, after cardio or both! To progress through this workout you will want to up your weights and lower your reps every week. So if week one you did 2×12 squats, the next week add some weight and then do 2×10.If your not sure what some of these moves are try googling it, there are tons of videos that can help. I will be posting more how to videos for all of these moves, so stay tuned!


Day 1:

  • deadlift -2×8Deadlift
  • hang clean -2×8     Hang clean Hang clean                                          
  • dumbbell row -3×8DB rowIMG_6262
  • cable row -2×12
  • lat pull down -2×12Lat Pulldown
  • barbell curl -3×10
  • hammer curl -2×12
  • lunge -2×12


Day 2 :

  • bench -2×8
  • fly -2×15
  • push press -2×8IMG_6299Push press
  • push ups -2×15
  • french press -2×10IMG_6323IMG_6332
  • dips -2×12


Day 3 :

  • squat -2×8
  • goodmornings -2×10
  • sumo deadlift -2×8IMG_6230
  • leg curls -2×12
  • stiff leg deadlift -2×12IMG_6216
  • seated dumbbell curls -2×12IMG_6320
  • tri pushdowns -2×12
  • squat jumps -2×10IMG_6357



Here are a few ab options you can add after you lift or after cardio.

  • hanging leg raiseIMG_6388
  • decline sit up
  • plank
  • L sitsIMG_6396
  • side plankIMG_6437
  • boat pose

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