Weightlifting & Women

Lift Heavy

Weightlifting & Women :

Most women spend most of their time in the gym doing cardio. What you should be doing is getting stronger by lifting weights. I’m not talking about doing biceps curls and squats with a 5 pound weight, you need to lift heavy! You will NOT look like a man. Women do not have enough testosterone to build muscles like men. Instead you will get stronger and look more toned. When I lift I’m using heavy weights, 165 pound deadlifts, 135 pound squats, 100 pound push presses and I do not look like a man! Don’t be afraid to add some weight. Lifting weights has many benefits including  boosting your metabolism, increasing your bone density, hormonal regulation improves ( helps with cramps) just to name a few. Start by adding a strength training program two days a week. Once you start lifting you are going love it, don’t be afraid to try.


  • gain strength without bulking
  • lose body fat
  • decrease risk for diseases like diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease
  • increase bone density
  • improve balance
  • help fight depression
  • helps with cramps
  • improve activities of daily living
  • helps fight obesity
  • beat back pain

Here are a few really good compound movements to add to your strength training  workouts.  Lift heavy! You are stronger then you think.

Lower body:

  1. barbell/ dumbell squats
  2. deadlift
  3. lunges

Upper body:

  1. barbell bench press
  2. push ups
  3. pull ups- chin ups
  4. bent over row


  1. plank
  2. hanging leg raises
  3. L-sits


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