Benefits of deadlifting

Benefits of Deadlifting :  Deadlift

If you haven’t added the deadlift to you workout routine yet, you should! The deadlift, if done correctly, will help strengthen all the major muscles groups. The deadlift helps build muscle in the lower and upper body at the same time.  Deadlifting will also strengthen the entire back and the muscles around your back. This move can be used for rehabilitative and preventative purposes if done correctly. The deadlift is a great exercise for building core strength and strength in all other major muscle groups. Minimal equipment is needed to deadlift, you can use a bar, dumbells, or sandbag. There are different types of deadlifts such as sumo stance, stiff leg and bent leg to name a few.


  • core strength
  • improve posture
  • total body workout
  • practical, used in everyday situations
  • awesome butt workout
  • grip strength
  • raise heart rate- blasts fat


How to deadlift:

start with light weight till you master the movement.


  • start with your feet shoulder width apart, grip barbell so your arms are right outside your legs. Your shins should be touching the bar.
  • make sure you are in a neutral spin position. Meaning your back is flat, neck/head is not looking up or down but straight ahead.
  • keep your chest up and your shoulders slightly over the bar. Never round your shoulders
  • before lifting, tighten abs, shoulders and glutes
  • lift through your feet, hips and shoulders should move at the same time.
  • at the top of the movement you should be standing straight, shoulders back. The weight will end around your mid thigh
  • start the downward phase by pushing through your heels while you slowly lower the bar. Keep bar as close to/touching your body throughout the whole movement
  • Lower in a controlled motion. Make sure you keep your chest up and your abs tight while lowering


  1. make sure you are breathing.
  2. never round back
  3. no jerking of the weight

Check out my quick how to video:

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